
Julie and Wesley

Hi, we are very much look forward to being of service by helping you, your family and your guests sleep better, breathe better, perform better and… just feel better.

The CleanMyBed difference – dry, medical-grade and allergy friendly

60% of dust mites in your home can be found in your bed

Our beds provide the ideal feeding and breeding environment for microorganisms, viral particles and dust mites to thrive, all of which can significantly affect our health and wellbeing as well as trigger allergies. It doesn’t matter how often we change our linen, we will never remove the constant and natural build up that accumulates in our beds. CleanMyBed’s is unlike any other and an extremely effective solution that removes these ecosystems from our sleeping environment thus significantly enhancing our overall sleep and general wellbeing

It’s a no brainer

Dry, non invasive and uncompromisingly affordable.


Allergy friendly





“We don’t wash our clothes and get dressed without washing our bodies, so why do we wash our linen and make our beds without regularly and properly cleaning our mattress?”

Tracy Wright, mother, physiotherapist & CleanMyBed founder